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What's In Ron's Pocket Today?

It seems like everyday in science, Ron gets caught having something in his pocket. Well now you get to know the funny, wierd, and just plaain gross things too!

I'm not exactly sure when these were but I think they were the week of Jan. 14th.
A can opener & canned chicken.
Steak Fingers & Boxed Macaroni & Cheese.
I will update everyday that Ron pulls something out.
I hope to get this to be my best hit on the website.
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Jan. 28th,
Hey peeps! (peoples)
Today, Ron had nothing in his pockets! Or at least nothing we know of. Because at the beginning of class, he got sent out in the hallway for NO reason! It was hilarious! Because he made this sad puppy face while he walked out. If that wasn't funny enough, our teacher forgot ALL about him so he stayed in the hall the WHOLE class! When his bell finally rang, he ased if he could get his stuff and our teacher said no. Then he acted like it was all Ron's fault that he was pretty much late for the bus. It was hilarious! Well, I gots to go peeps! (people)
See ya!